Monday, May 4, 2009

Carole White, founder of Premier Model Management

Tell me about your style.
Since I work with young people, I am the original of what in fashion. I am by how models dress, but I adjust for that I'm not like mutton dressed as lamb. There are a million things I can not wear, because at my age - I'm 58th I like simple, practical clothes and expensive things Mix of High Street.
Do you usually wear much jewelry?
Yes, I am a creature of habit, and always the same songs. Former Aquamarine Ring was another gift from Naomi. She bought in New Orleans bought 10 years ago and greater still. The ring was my mother and grandmother. The eternity of the ring was my husband - we have together for 32 years and we are able to marry this summer. The long chain of Tiffany jewelry and all types - Cameo a medallion of a fortune teller, a religious symbol, to avert evil spirits and Argos "Mama" trailer for my son. My bracelets are friends and colleagues. I found the bracelet of gold buried at the beach in St. Tropez, when I was 18 years.
What do you think of your clothes on you?
In the work, hopefully strong, and the evening, I hope women.
What is the best advice that you had over the years?
That the way is beautiful, a lot of confidence and false, if you do not own.
What is your first memory of fashion?
To learn to control my makeup on Lucy Clayton [a modeling school], if I was 18 years. During this period - in the early 60s - Models to do their own hair and makeup. We all have contributed Max Factor Pan-Stick tape and brown Rouge. I was crap, and only three months. I'm much better in the search for models, as one.
Faire, whose style admire most?
Kate Moss, because it is very accessible by its appearance. Anyone can, even in things that door, that is why they so successful. Annoyingly, it is the only super model I have ever worked.
What do you advise us of your young fashion models?
Keep it simple. I advise them to wear Skinny jeans with a t-shirt - simple combinations shows that their shape and are not expensive.
Best buy?
Azzedine Alaia a pocket, I bought in auction in Cannes. I have £ 150 and had no idea it was worth £ 5000 to Izzie Blow [end of the designer] said. We will from time to time for lunch.
Has there been an opportunity, particularly if you fabulous?
Eight years ago, I went to a charity event in Barcelona, with Nelson Mandela and Naomi. I wore a dress amazing Aquamarin Ghost. It was really nice and because I wear a lot of black, said the man, as much to me. Working with Naomi opened many doors, but Mandela was the most beautiful person I met.

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